Bethesda Seva

Love, Give & Serve


There are many gaps in the society, places where families and communities have failed…

As a God’s people there is only one response to fill the gap is to stand in it…


Standing with purpose to bring transformation in the lives of individual and communities while serving the poor and needy people.
We serve with compassion and by focusing to change the lives of people by providing services and skill building opportunities for self efficiency projects like

Care of Children / kids care

  • Children feeding centre
  • Support for orphans and HIV affected children

Youth & Students Mobilization

  • Counseling services
  • Leadership development programme
  • Training and equipping centre

Community Development Programmes:

  • Widow Support programme
  • Street Light Programme
  • Nutritional support for Antenatal mothers
  • Care and support to the Diabetes and Handicapped people
  • Support for Self sustainable Micro business and skill development programme

Care of Children / kids care

“Whoever receives one of these little children in my name receives me; and who ever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.”

Mark 9:37


As, we can see in the Bible that Jesus loved little children so much, and they are so precious insight of God.
Today’s Children are the tomorrow’s citizens; and today’s their wellbeing will determine their bright future. Good Health and education are the two vital components in the life of children which make them better.
But still there are many children around us those who are unable to receive it properly. There may be many reasons hidden behind it, but we aim to reach those children who are in different places and who are in need of proper health and education.
Many children of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh states has becoming child labors due to their poverty and financial crisis of their family and those are the main underlying causes dragging them to achieve proper health and education.

Children are the sensitive, pure hearted, innocent and honest little ones loved by everyone… their childhood should be safer, better and healthier that will lead their good future.
Our Bethesda Seva mission is focusing on the wellbeing for the children’s health and education in our branch churches. We provide them healthy food and fruits whenever we gather the children and also we will make parents to get aware of the health needs and importance of education required for the children.
We encourage the children by offering gifts etc, to bring out their special talents and skills by conducting games, talent shows, role plays choreographies and cultural activities etc.,


Good health, proper food and education are not only the essentials of children but also it is their right to get it. But many children are inadequately receiving it; to reach their primary essentials and to meet their needs we need resources for these provisions.
Your prayer support, kindness and donations towards the children Care Centers for their health and education as a part of their growth and development will be very grateful and God will bless you for your big help to our little hearts.


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